Meet the Satellite - Metop-3

Jul 22, 2019


Metop, the polar-orbiting meteorological satellite is featured in this latest episode of the “Meet the Satellite” series.

Orbiting around the Earth’s poles, you can find three Metop satellites that together form the EUMETSAT Polar System (EPS). Each satellite hosts 11 main instruments onboard that Mark Higgins, Training Manager at EUMETSAT, illustrates in our latest video.

Metop provides us with information on land, clouds and atmospheric composition. The data it provides is essential for weather forecasting of up to 10 days and for climate and environmental monitoring.

If you want to know more about Metop, check out this page where you can find the description of the satellite’s design and the video showing the launch of the latest in the series: Metop-C, that took place last year.

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Written by Inside EUMETSAT

Inside the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites - get to know us a little better.

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